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Today we will know and learn about an archer born in Brazilian soil who is today at number one in the history of world archery. 

I hope this story fills you with enthusiasm 

Let's get started 

Yes We are talking about Marcus d Almeida

Recently, let us tell you that Marcus D'Almeida has qualified on top in the South American Championship in his home ground and that too with 72 arrows 689 points. 

Marcus d almeida
Marcus d almeida with Korean coach Kim in korea

In the world of archery, Marcus D'Almeida stands tall, not just in stature but also in achievements and determination. Born in the vibrant city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Marcus's journey to becoming the world's number one ranked recurve men's archer is nothing short of inspiring.

At the age of 26, Marcus has already etched his name in the annals of archery history. With a career-best score of 692 in outdoor competitions at 70 meters, Marcus exemplifies precision and skill with an average arrow score of 9.4. But beyond the numbers, Marcus's journey is a testament to resilience, dedication, and the pursuit of excellence.


Marcus D Almeida archers choice 2m

Let's know When did he take up archery and never look back

Starting his archery journey in 2010, Marcus quickly rose through the ranks, making his international debut in 2013. Since then, he has become a formidable force on the archery circuit, amassing an impressive record of 126 match wins out of 175, with a tiebreak win rate of 68%.

But Marcus's journey hasn't been without its challenges. Like any great athlete, he has faced setbacks and obstacles along the way. However, it's his unwavering commitment to his craft, coupled with a relentless work ethic, that sets him apart.

From winning a silver medal at the Youth Olympic Games in 2014 to clinching gold at the World Archery Youth Championships in 2015, Marcus has consistently showcased his talent on the world stage. His achievements include multiple medals at prestigious events like the World Archery Championships, World Cup Finals, Pan American Games, and South American Games, among others.

But perhaps what truly sets Marcus apart is not just his prowess on the archery range, but his passion for the sport and his dedication to continuous improvement. Despite reaching the pinnacle of his career with a world number one ranking, Marcus remains humble and hungry for more.


Off the field, Marcus finds solace in simple joys like listening to music and staying fit through exercise. His hobbies reflect his balanced approach to life, where dedication to his craft is complemented by a love for leisure and wellness.

As we reflect on Marcus D'Almeida's journey, we're reminded that greatness is not just about talent or skill; it's about the relentless pursuit of excellence, the resilience to overcome obstacles, and the humility to stay grounded amidst success. Marcus's story serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring athletes everywhere, reminding us that with passion, perseverance, and hard work, anything is possible. So let's draw inspiration from Marcus's journey and strive to reach new heights in our own endeavors, one arrow at a time.


Marcus D Almeida archers choice 2m

Archery talks

If we know about his medal in detail then the article will become long, so let us talk a little. 

Marcus D'Almeida has won lots of medals in archery, showing how amazing he is at the sport. He's won medals in big competitions like the Youth Olympic Games, World Archery Championships, and more. These medals come in gold, silver, and bronze, proving he's super talented and can handle pressure on the big stage.

Whether he's shooting outdoors or indoors, Marcus keeps winning medals. This shows he's good at archery in different settings. Each medal represents all the hard work he puts in during practice and competitions.

Marcus's medals aren't just shiny objects; they tell a story of determination, hard work, and believing in yourself. They show that with dedication and passion, anyone can achieve their dreams.

As Marcus keeps adding to his medal collection, he's inspiring others to chase their goals and showing the world what's possible with persistence and a positive attitude.

If you are fond of watching his videos, then you can join ARCHERS CHOICE 2M  channel, there you can get information related to archery, archers from all over the world are connected with us there. 

Stay with us for such inspiring information. Thank you



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